Dr. Janna’s Top 9 Ways to Preserve and Restore Your Memory

Dr. Janna's Top 9 Ways to Preserve and Restore Your Memory

Chiropractic London ON Restore Your Memory

It’s never too early, (or too late), to start preserving your memory. Start implementing these ideas to preserve and even restore your memory in London.

Poster with 9 Ways to Preserve & Restore your memory

Regulate you blood sugar levels.

A strong link between the brain and metabolism of sugar has been found. [1] Research out of the University of California, Los Angeles, [2] suggests that sugar affects how we process ideas, handle our moods and how well we remember. The best way to regulate your blood sugar is to limit your sugar and processed foods while increasing your healthy fats and fiber.[3]

Enjoy a Mediterranean diet.

Chiropractic London ON Preserve Your Memory

Scientists have found that the more closely a person follows a Mediterranean diet, the less likely they are to develop Alzheimer’s disease and other memory related disorders. [4] The Mediterranean diet [5] includes: fresh fruits and vegetables (especially leafy greens like spinach and kale and non-starchy veggies like eggplant, cauliflower, artichokes, tomatoes and fennel, olive oil, nuts and seeds (like almonds and sesame seeds used to make tahini), legumes and beans (especially lentils and chickpeas used to make hummus), herbs and spices (like oregano, rosemary and parsley), whole grains, wild-caught fish and seafood at least twice a week, high-quality, pasture-raised poultry, eggs, cheese, goat milk, and probiotic-rich kefir or yogurt consumed in moderation, red meat consumed on special occasions or about once weekly, try organic, grass-fed, plenty of fresh water and some coffee or tea, and oftentimes a daily glass of red wine.


Exercise is an effective brain protector. [6] Any exercise is a good start, but to optimize the effects of exercise, try activities that are moderate to high intensity, try steady-state cardio like walking or biking, try some weight lifting, and try activities that involve varied and novel movements. Surge/Burst training is good or take up ballroom dancing!


Sleep is essential for memory consolidation. [7] As well, the brain detoxifies and rejuvenates while you sleep, especially between 10PM-2AM. Your sleep position is also important. Recent research [8] found that the brain’s glymphatic pathway, a complex system that clears wastes and other harmful chemicals from the brain, worked most optimally when people slept on their sides. Similar to the how the body’s lymphatic system clears waste from organs, the glymphatic pathway is responsible for filtering cerebrospinal fluid through the brain to clear waste that negatively affect brain processes.

Drink clean water.

Our brain works best if it is hydrated. [9] It is also important that our water is clean and free of bacteria, fungi, heavy metals and chemical residues. All of these can cause inflammation of the brain which impairs cognitive skills. [10]

Get adjusted.

One of the most powerful benefits of chiropractic care may be helping create more efficient brain function. [11] A study conducted by the International Research and Philosophy Symposium discovered that chiropractic adjustments result in significant and almost immediate improvement in all areas of brain function, including memory. [12]

Check your medications.

There are many kinds of prescription drugs and OTC medications that cause memory loss. If you take a drug that starts with “anti,” such as antihistamines, antidepressants, antipsychotics, antibiotics, antispasmodics, anti-seizure drugs or anti-hypertensives, it’s likely that it will affect your acetylcholine level. Acetylcholine is the primary neurotransmitter involved with memory and learning. Other prescription drugs that affect memory include, sleeping pills, statins (cholesterol-lowering medications), insulin, pain killers, steroids and chemotherapy. [13] It is therefore important to embrace healthy lifestyle choices and consider natural supplements in order to minimize the negative effects of medication.

Supplement naturally.

Coconut Oil – one of the best fuel sources for the brain. [14] [15] [16]

Curcumin – Turmeric/Curcumin’s natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and detoxifying mechanisms help improve memory. [17][18][19][20]

B12 – Vitamin B12 supports the central nervous system in many ways. It helps maintain the health of the nerve cells, helps with communication of one nerve cell to another, and maintains the protective covering of the nerve cell. Thus, when someone has a vitamin B12 deficiency, almost every cognitive function can suffer, including one’s memory. [21]

D3 – Researchers [22] found that older adults lost their memories and thinking abilities at a faster rate when their vitamin D levels were low.

Omega3 fatty acids – Studies [23] confirm a positive association between fish oil supplementation and memory.

Enjoy life.

Engage with others [24], laugh [25], stress less [26] and meditate [27].


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