LifeHouse Chiropractic Blog

Chiropractic London ON Breakfast

Jumpstart Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast

Jumpstart Your Day with a Healthy Breakfast Call LifeHouse Chiropractic in London ON today for more recipes!

Chiropractic London ON Smoothies For Health

Recipe for a Healthy & Yummy Smoothie

Recipe for a Healthy & Yummy Smoothie Call LifeHouse Chiropractic in London ON today for more recipes!

Chiropractic London OH Salad Recipe

Salad with Balsamic Dressing

Salad with Balsamic Dressing I do not buy store-bought dressing. With a rare exception that you might find at Farm Boy, store-bought salad dressings are made with unhealthy vegetable oils. Here’s a recipe for a healthy salad dressing that is quick, inexpensive, and easy to make. It tastes good, too! Toss together a mix of…

Chiropractic London ON Your First Visit

First Chiropractic Visit in London ON

What to Expect on Your First Chiropractic Visit to LifeHouse Chiropractic in London We would love to have your first chiropractic visit be at LifeHouse Chiropractic CONVENIENT OFFICE HOURS Give us a call and let’s find out how we can make your time in our office as convenient for you as possible. LifeHouse Chiropractic 520…

Chiropractic London ON Essential Oils

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling   I “oil pull” 3-4 times/week, and I like it. It’s part of my routine. It makes my teeth feel clean, and I think it makes them sparkle. So, what is oil pulling in London? Oil Pulling in London Oil pulling is an all-natural way to remove bacteria from the mouth while promoting…

Chiropractic London ON Wellness Care

A Wellness-Based Approach to Oral Health

A Wellness-Based Approach to Oral Health April is National Oral Health Month! We all know to brush and floss our teeth, as well as regular dental checkups and cleanings, are important to keep our teeth cavity-free and eliminate bad breath.  Very few of us know how the health of our mouth in London is linked…